Thursday, August 28, 2008

Deep Breath

Well, it's official.

Almost everyone close to me is consumed with making life better for children.

Yes, school has started. John is overseeing a school district that has grown beyond expectation. Both kids, sister, brother in law, nieces and nephews are all back in their respective districts.

Leading up to a school starting week is like Christmas. It's exciting, you know something wonderful is about to happen. Yet, you cannot anticipate every surprise.

I am so thankful God placed me in a family that loves all children.

There is no greater gift than a child God has loaned. It breaks my heart when I see or speak to a child that I feel is not being treated like the precious gift that was presented from heaven.

And, with each new school year, you once again see the faces of those that are loved immensely, and those that want to be loved immensely.

If you visit my blog one time, or a few (I know some of you do, because you've guilted me into writing again...), when you log off this time - please. Please, look at the children (of all ages) you will see over the weekend, when you go to church, when you go back to school, or you see in the grocery the end of the day, please recall those faces as you kneel for prayer. Please let God know that you saw one of his special children today, thank him and ask for love and protection for each.

Then, will you please step up - become involved, make a commitment to serve those children in some way. Just pray about it, ask God to help you get out of the way and let him use you. God's plan is always best, may we all just stop, be quiet, listen and act - this time for the children.

And, if you need any help getting plugged in - just let me know =)


BrotherBoog said...

I second that emotion...

tiffanydavlin said...

You are absolutely right, Donna. Each child is so amazing and precious that it breaks my heart when I see a child not treated as such.

We're hoping to get more involved with area organizations once Andrew is 100% to help with children who are treated less than the gift they are.

God's blessings to you and your encouraging and convicting words! Love you!