Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's A Good Thing

This weekend is Nicole's first wedding shower, a tea actually. The theme is Martha Stewart, It's A Good Thing. Guests are to bring something from Nicole's MS's selections. It was really fun shopping for this one!

If you've talked to me lately, you know THE dress for her wedding has been the issue. I finally found THE dress at Nordstrom's, wrong color. Hubby gave up his entire Saturday, we went shopping and guess what - THE dress! WOO HOO! Check it out.
Now, just need shoes and jewels and we're in biz!
And looking for ideas for traditions we can start for our two brides in the family this year - ideas?
Update on the "FLIP" - so far it's a flop. We have two or three showings each week, but only one has come back for a second viewing. Keep praying for us...visit and take the tour: . 505 Seis Lagos Trail . Wylie - then forward to anyone you know looking for a home in the metroplex in a wonderful gated neighborhood.

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